• nanocat@um.edu.my
  • + 603-7967 6959
Welcome to University of Malaya’s Nanotechnology and catalysis research centre (NANOCAT).

"Nanotechnology and catalysis research centre (NANOCAT) formerly known as COMBICAT was established in 2001 in University of Malaya with strong support grant from MOSTI and UM. NANOCAT has been initiated in 2001 until now.
NANOCAT aspires to be a leader and partner of choice worldwide in nanostructured materials, biomass, and combinatorial technology. In addition, NANOCAT aspires to promote research excellence by making equipment and facilities in nanomaterial synthesis and characterization, catalysis and combinatorial technology accessible."

Prof Dr. Sharifah Bee
Abd Hamid


Last Update: 03/11/2022